Page 129 - HRC_AR2020
P. 129


             27  DeferreD taXation

                  Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to set off current tax assets against current
                  tax liabilities and when the deferred taxes relate to the same tax authority.

                  The movements in deferred tax during the financial year are as follows:
                                                                                                2020          2019
                                                                                              rM’000        rM’000
                  As at 1 January as previously stated                                             -       (38,192)
                  Effects of transitioning to MFRS 16                                              -          341
                  At 1 January/As restated as at 1 January                                   (141,222)     (37,851)
                  Credited/(charged) to profit or loss (Note 10):
                  - property, plant and equipment                                              1,039       (35,458)
                  - unrealised foreign exchange                                                  954        (3,062)
                  - derivative financial assets                                               12,011       (18,361)
                  - inventories                                                                 (694)          88
                  - trade receivables                                                          6,286             -
                  - unused tax losses                                                          (9,286)     (40,472)
                  - other payables and accruals                                                1,497          (645)
                  - derivative financial liabilities                                          (16,542)      27,705
                  - unabsorbed capital allowances                                                  -       (40,918)
                  - right-of-use assets                                                        1,771         1,951
                  - lease liabilities                                                          (1,737)      (1,801)
                                                                                               (4,701)    (110,973)
                  Credited to other comprehensive income (Note 23)
                  - cash flow hedge reserve and cost of hedging reserve                       31,087         7,216
                  Effect of exchange rate changes                                                  -          386

                  As at 31 December                                                          (114,836)    (141,222)

                  Deferred tax liabilities (before offsetting):
                  - property, plant and equipment                                            (169,364)    (170,403)
                  - unrealised foreign exchange                                                (2,171)      (3,125)
                  - derivative financial assets                                               (32,317)     (78,281)
                  - right-of-use assets                                                        (5,245)      (7,016)
                  - inventories                                                                 (606)            -
                                                                                             (209,703)    (258,825)
                  Offsetting                                                                  94,867       117,603
                  As at 31 December (after offsetting)                                       (114,836)    (141,222)
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