Page 133 - HRC_AR2020
P. 133


             32  financial instrUMents BY cateGorY

                                                                                                2020          2019
                                                                                              rM’000        rM’000
                  financial assets
                  Financial assets designated as hedging instrument
                    - Derivative financial assets                                             75,504       216,449

                  Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss
                     - Derivative financial assets                                            59,676       109,711

                  Financial assets at amortised cost
                     - Trade receivables                                                     513,451       713,863
                     - Other receivables excluding prepayment and statutory assets            19,593         8,602
                     - Bank balances                                                         737,198     1,135,366
                                                                                            1,270,242    1,857,831

                  total                                                                     1,405,422    2,183,991

                  financial liabilities
                  Financial liabilities designated as hedging instrument
                    - Derivative financial liabilities                                        16,291        27,517

                  Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss
                     - Derivative financial liabilities                                       53,233       122,168

                  Other financial liabilities at amortised cost
                     - Trade and other payables excluding statutory liabilities             1,291,309    1,900,454
                     - Amounts due to immediate holding company and related company           14,317        23,749
                     - Borrowings                                                            799,807     1,381,913
                     - Lease liabilities                                                      23,518        30,757
                                                                                            2,128,951    3,336,873
                  total                                                                     2,198,475    3,486,558
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