Page 127 - HRC_AR2020
P. 127
24 traDe anD otHer paYaBles
2020 2019
rM’000 rM’000
Trade payables 796,748 714,235
Accruals for crude oil and petroleum products 348,284 946,463
Sundry accruals 47,105 91,931
Accruals for consumables and services 3,487 3,195
Accruals for capital expenditure 112,892 157,602
1,308,516 1,913,426
The Company’s trade payables and accruals for crude oil and petroleum products are non-interest bearing, unsecured, except
for a balance amounting to RM880,565,000 (2019: RM491,130,000) which is secured by a charge against the Company’s
hydrocarbon inventories and receivables as mentioned in Notes 16 and 17. The credit terms for trade payables range from
30 to 60 days (2019: 30 to 45 days).
25 aMoUnts DUe to iMMeDiate HolDinG coMpanY anD relateD coMpanY
As at 31 December 2020, amounts due to immediate holding company and related company are unsecured. Amounts due
to immediate holding company and related company have credit terms of 30 days.
26 BorroWinGs
2020 2019
rM’000 rM’000
Term loans and revolving credits (secured) 799,807 1,381,913
Less: Amount repayable within 12 months (250,689) (796,054)
Amount repayable after 12 months 549,118 585,859
The remaining maturities of the borrowings are as follows:
Within 1 year 250,689 796,054
More than 1 year and less than 2 years 242,026 92,766
More than 2 years and less than 5 years 307,092 493,093
799,807 1,381,913