Page 124 - HRC_AR2020
P. 124

122    I     2020 ANNUAL REPORT         I financial reports



             19  DeriVatiVe financial assets/(liaBilities) (continued)
                  Derivatives designated as hedging instrument
                  (a)   refining margin swap contracts
                       The Company purchases crude on an ongoing basis as the Company requires continuous supply of crude to produce
                       petroleum products. As a result of the volatility in crude price, the Company held refining margin swaps designated
                       as hedge of highly probable forecast crude purchases or firm commitments and sales of petroleum products to reduce
                       the volatility of cash flows.
                       The contracts are intended to hedge the volatility of the refining margin (differences between purchase price of crude
                       oil and sales price of petroleum products) for a period between 1 to 12 months (2019: 1 to 24 months). There was no
                       forecast transactions for which hedge accounting had previously been used, but which is no longer expected to occur.
                       The  cash  flow  hedges  of  the  highly  probable  forecast  crude  purchases  or  firm  purchase  commitments  and
                       sales of petroleum products were assessed to be highly effective. The net unrealised gain of RM75,099,000
                       (2019: RM201,691,000), with a related deferred tax liability of RM18,024,000 (2019: RM48,406,000) was included
                       in other comprehensive income in respect of these contracts for the financial year. There is no ineffectiveness portion
                       of hedge accounting during the current and previous financial year.

                       The effects of the refining margin swap contracts on the Company’s financial position and performance are as follows:
                                                                                               2020           2019
                       Carrying amount asset, net (RM’000)                                   75,099        201,691
                       Notional value (USD’000)                                              43,844        331,174
                       Maturity date                                                 January 2021 to   January 2020 to
                                                                                     December 2021       June 2021
                       Hedge ratio (%)                                                         100            100
                       Change in fair value of designated hedging instruments (RM’000)       78,334        249,916
                       Change in value of hedged item used to determine
                          hedge effectiveness (RM’000)                                      (78,334)      (249,916)
                       Gross margin per barrel (USD)                                   2.05 to 23.05   5.50 to 23.05

                  (b)  interest rate swap contracts
                       The Company enters into interest rate swap contracts to hedge cash flow interest rate risk arising from floating rate
                       term loans (Note 26). This interest rate swap receives floating interest equal to LIBOR, pays a fixed rate of between
                       2.96% to 3.03% and has the same maturity terms as the term loans.
                       The management considers the interest rate swaps as an effective hedging instrument as the term loans and the
                       swaps have identical critical terms. The net unrealised loss of RM15,886,000 (2019: RM12,759,000), with a related
                       deferred tax asset of RM3,813,000 (2019: RM3,062,000) was included in other comprehensive income in respect
                       of these contracts for the financial year. There was no ineffectiveness recognised in the current and previous
                       financial year.
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