Page 119 - HRC_AR2020
P. 119


             15 leases

                  (i)   the balance sheet shows the following amounts relating to leases:
                       right-of-use assets
                                                           land lease    equipment       tugboats    Vehicles    total
                       2020                                  rM’000       rM’000       rM’000    rM’000     rM’000

                       At 1 January                           1,626          500      34,746      1,761     38,633
                       Additions                                  -            -           -        119       119
                       At 31 December                         1,626          500      34,746      1,880     38,752

                       accumulated depreciation/amortisation
                       At 1 January                              16           82       7,192        500      7,790
                       Charge for the financial year             19          167       6,950        382      7,518
                       At 31 December                            35          249      14,142        882     15,308

                       carrying amount
                       At 31 December                         1,591          251      20,604        998     23,444

                       Land lease as at reporting date are pledged as security for borrowings as disclosed in Note 26.
                       The depreciation of right-of-use assets is included in the “depreciation and amortisation” line item in the profit or loss.

                                                           land lease    equipment       tugboats    Vehicles    total
                       2019                                  rM’000       rM’000       rM’000    rM’000     rM’000
                       At 1 January                               -            -      34,497      1,780     36,277
                       Reclassification                       1,643            -           -          -      1,643
                       Additions                                  -          505      11,084          -     11,589
                       Lease modification                         -            -      (10,463)        -    (10,463)
                       Effect of exchange rate changes          (17)          (5)       (372)       (19)      (413)
                       At 31 December                         1,626          500      34,746      1,761     38,633

                       accumulated depreciation/amortisation
                       At 1 January                               -            -       1,151        149      1,300
                       Charge for the financial year             18           83       7,692        356      8,149
                       Lease modification                         -            -       (1,570)        -     (1,570)
                       Effect of exchange rate changes           (2)          (1)        (81)        (5)       (89)
                       At 31 December                            16           82       7,192        500      7,790

                       carrying amount
                       At 31 December                         1,610          418      27,554      1,261     30,843
   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124