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116    I     2020 ANNUAL REPORT         I financial reports



             13  propertY, plant anD eQUipMent (continued)
                  reversal of impairment in the previous financial year
                  In financial year ended 31 December 2014, the company recognised an impairment of its plant, machinery and equipment.
                  The impairment recognised was triggered by the declining trend in refining margins and the announcement by the relevant
                  regulatory bodies of its intention to implement E4M and Euro 5 compliant fuel by 2019 and 2020 respectively. Assessment
                  of the asset’s recoverable amount was made, and this resulted in the partial reversal of impairment in the previous
                  financial years. Management and the Directors had assessed impairment for reversal after taking into consideration the
                  successful completion of Clean Air Regulation (“CAR”) unit and higher certainty on the progress of the other key regulatory
                  driven projects, namely Euro 5 Diesel and Hydrogen Generation (“H2GEN”) units. The recoverable amount of the refinery
                  assets, being defined as a cash-generating-unit, was determined using the FVLCTS method based on management’s
                  assessment adjusted for market conditions to reflect market participants’ perspective. The FVLCTS is the net present value
                  of the projected future cashflow derived from the asset discounted at an appropriate discount rate. Refer Note 3(a) for the
                  key assumptions used.

             14  intanGiBle assets

                                                                                                2020          2019
                                                                                              rM’000        rM’000
                  At 1 January                                                                63,767        58,864
                  Additions                                                                    1,068         5,588
                  Effect of exchange rate changes                                                  -          (685)

                  At 31 December                                                              64,835        63,767

                  accumulated amortisation
                  At 1 January                                                                49,697        35,832
                  Amortisation for the financial year                                          2,694        14,405
                  Effect of exchange rate changes                                                  -          (540)
                  At 31 December                                                              52,391        49,697

                  carrying amount
                  At 31 December                                                              12,444        14,070

                  Intangible assets mainly relate to costs incurred by the Company in setting up its standalone IT systems.
                  The useful life of IT development and software is between 3 and 10 years (2019: 3 and 10 years).
                  The amortisation of IT development and software costs are included in the “depreciation and amortisation” line item in the
                  profit or loss.
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