Page 117 - HRC_AR2020
P. 117


             13  propertY, plant anD eQUipMent (continued)
                                                    freehold        land             and motor    Work-in-
                                                       land   improvements    Buildings    vehicles    progress    total
                  2019                               rM’000       rM’000    rM’000     rM’000    rM’000     rM’000
                  cost or deemed cost
                  At 1 January                       46,710       14,451   100,851   3,454,690   447,439   4,064,141
                  Additions                               -            -         -          -   659,212    659,212
                  Disposal                                -            -         -       (153)        -       (153)
                  Write off                               -            -         -          -    (2,879)    (2,879)
                  Reclassification                        -            -         -    207,535  (207,535)         -
                  Effect of exchange rate changes      (491)        (152)    (1,060)   (38,607)   (9,683)   (49,993)
                  At 31 December                     46,219       14,299    99,791   3,623,465   886,554   4,670,328

                  accumulated depreciation
                  At 1 January                            -       13,391    61,447   2,360,190        -   2,435,028
                  Charge for the financial year           -          112     2,303    119,434         -    121,849
                  Disposal                                -            -         -       (153)        -       (153)
                  Effect of exchange rate changes         -         (142)     (672)    (26,131)       -    (26,945)

                  At 31 December                          -       13,361    63,078   2,453,340        -   2,529,779

                  accumulated impairment losses
                  At 1 January                            -            -         -    348,343         -    348,343
                  Reversal of impairment                  -            -         -    (125,513)       -   (125,513)
                  Effect of exchange rate changes         -            -         -      (2,269)       -     (2,269)
                  At 31 December                          -            -         -    220,561         -    220,561

                  carrying amount
                  At 31 December                     46,219          938    36,713    949,564   886,554   1,919,988

                  assets pledged as security
                  Property, plant and equipment as at reporting date are pledged as security for borrowings as disclosed in Note 26.
                  capitalised borrowing costs
                  The amount of borrowing costs capitalised during the year ended 31 December 2020 is RM19,379,000 (2019: RM31,164,000).
                  The rate used to determine the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation is 2.31% (2019: 4.56%) which is the
                  weighted average of the borrowing costs applicable to the borrowings of the Company.
   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122