Page 81 - HRC_AR2020
P. 81


            stateMent of financial position

            AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2020

                                                                               note             2020          2019
                                                                                              rM’000        rM’000
             non-cUrrent assets
             Property, plant and equipment                                     13           1,994,188    1,919,988
             Intangible assets                                                 14             12,444        14,070
             Right-of-use assets                                               15             23,444        30,843
             Derivative financial assets                                       19                  -         5,087
                                                                                            2,030,076    1,969,988

             cUrrent assets
             Inventories                                                       16           1,051,689    1,491,087
             Trade receivables                                                 17            513,451       713,863
             Other receivables and prepayments                                 18             28,311        18,510
             Tax recoverable                                                                   2,994         2,208
             Derivative financial assets                                       19            135,180       321,073
             Bank balances                                                     20            737,198     1,135,366
                                                                                            2,468,823    3,682,107
             total assets                                                                   4,498,899    5,652,095

             capital anD reserVes attriBUtaBle to oWners
               of tHe coMpanY
             Share capital                                                     21            300,000       300,000
             Retained earnings                                                 22           1,949,927    1,698,944
             Cash flow hedge reserve                                           23             49,552       175,346
             Cost of hedging reserve                                           23              (2,210)     (34,059)
             Exchange translation reserve                                      23            (128,888)    (128,888)
                                                                                            2,168,381    2,011,343

             cUrrent liaBilities
             Trade and other payables                                          24           1,308,516    1,913,426
             Amounts due to immediate holding company
               and related company                                             25             14,317        23,749
             Lease liabilities                                                 15              7,722         7,336
             Derivative financial liabilities                                  19             53,638       136,086
             Borrowings                                                        26            250,689       796,054
                                                                                            1,634,882    2,876,651

             non-cUrrent liaBilities
             Derivative financial liabilities                                  19             15,886        13,599
             Lease liabilities                                                 15             15,796        23,421
             Borrowings                                                        26            549,118       585,859
             Deferred tax liabilities                                          27            114,836       141,222

                                                                                             695,636       764,101
             total eQUitY anD liaBilities                                                   4,498,899    5,652,095

                        The accompanying notes to the financial statements form an integral part of these financial statements.
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