Page 84 - HRC_AR2020
P. 84
82 I 2020 ANNUAL REPORT I financial reports
stateMent of casH floWs
note 2020 2019
rM’000 rM’000
casH floWs froM financinG actiVities
Repayment of borrowings (1,555,292) (4,274,544)
Proceeds from borrowings 980,606 4,518,922
Interest paid (44,493) (49,961)
Repayment of principal portion of lease liabilities (8,376) (9,025)
Restricted cash for term loan facilities 45,223 (22,793)
Net cash flows (used in)/generated from financing activities (582,332) 162,599
net (Decrease)/increase in casH
anD casH eQUiValents (357,374) 905,699
casH anD casH eQUiValents at tHe
BeGinninG of tHe financial Year 1,036,788 128,033
effects of eXcHanGe rate cHanGes 4,429 3,056
casH anD casH eQUiValents at tHe
enD of tHe financial Year 20 683,843 1,036,788
During the financial year ended 31 December 2020, the Company acquired property, plant and equipment with an aggregate
cost of RM183,408,000 (2019: RM659,212,000). Cash payments of RM164,029,000 (2019: RM568,328,000) were made
for acquisitions of property, plant and equipment. The balance unpaid at the financial year end of RM112,892,000
(2019: RM159,372,000) is included within accruals for capital expenditure as disclosed in Note 24.
The accompanying notes to the financial statements form an integral part of these financial statements.