Page 82 - HRC_AR2020
P. 82

80    I     2020 ANNUAL REPORT         I financial reports

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                                              issued and fully
                                                paid ordinary
                                                     shares                   non-distributable   Distributable
                                        number                  cost of   exchange      cash
                                             of    nominal     hedging   translation   flow hedge   retained   total
                                          shares        value   reserve       reserve   reserve   earnings   equity
                                           ‘000     rM’000     rM’000      rM’000     rM’000     rM’000     rM’000
             at 1 January 2020          300,000    300,000     (34,059)   (128,888)   175,346   1,698,944  2,011,343
             Net profit for the financial year   -       -          -           -          -     250,983   250,983
             Other comprehensive income
               for the financial year         -          -      31,849          -    (125,794)        -    (93,945)

             Total comprehensive income
               for the financial year         -          -      31,849          -    (125,794)   250,983   157,038
             at 31 December 2020        300,000    300,000      (2,210)   (128,888)   49,552   1,949,927  2,168,381

             at 1 January 2019
             - as previously stated      300,000   300,000     (32,373)   (107,520)   196,512   1,665,040  2,021,659
             - effects of transitioning to
               MFRS 16                        -          -          -           -          -      (1,080)   (1,080)
             - as restated              300,000    300,000     (32,373)   (107,520)   196,512   1,663,960  2,020,579
             Net profit for the financial year   -       -          -           -          -      34,984    34,984
             Other comprehensive income
              for the financial year          -          -      (1,686)   (21,368)    (21,166)        -    (44,220)

             Total comprehensive loss
               for the financial year         -          -      (1,686)   (21,368)    (21,166)    34,984    (9,236)
             at 31 December 2019        300,000    300,000     (34,059)   (128,888)   175,346   1,698,944  2,011,343

                        The accompanying notes to the financial statements form an integral part of these financial statements.
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