Page 8 - HRC_AR2020
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06    I     2020 ANNUAL REPORT         I ABOUT hRC



            Dear Shareholders,

            The COvID-19 pandemic has brought upon a significant impact to the
            refining industry, locally and globally. This situation is expected to remain
            fluid,  making it  difficult  for  industry  players  to fully assess the  effect  on
            supply and demand going forward.

            however, at  hengyuan Refining Company Berhad (hRC or the Company),
            we have survived the brunt of this global health crisis, and we are confident
            that we are able to tide over this challenging period with resilience.
            By adhering to our sound and robust Business Continuity Plan, we have
            been able to deliver positive financial results to date.

            I take this opportunity to report on hRC’s key focus areas throughout 2020.

            ASSURINg SAFETY
            In  a year  of  unprecedented  challenges,
            our key priority for 2020 centred on
            the need to survive and enhance our
            resilience. Respecting our people as our
            greatest  asset,  we  prioritised  putting  in
            place  preventive  measures  to  protect  our
            employees and contractors from the risks
            of being infected by COVID-19, and
            proactive measures were put into effect
            in a timely manner. These were even
            more  pertinent  as  HRC,  being  a
            provider of essential services, remained
            operational throughout the various phases
            of control orders. We will endeavour to
            keep our workplace safe and continue
            maintaining operational uptime through
            the year ahead.

                 See page 04 for more details on our
                 preventive measures.

                                               WANg, YOUDE
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