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04    I     2020 ANNUAL REPORT         I ABOUT hRC


            ThROUgh ThE PANDEmIC

            hRC took a thorough and                JANUARY 2020
            proactive approach in ensuring         HRC’s management began issuing health and safety advisories to all employees
            the health and safety of its           and contractors, alerting the emergence of COVID-19 cases in Malaysia.
            employees and contractors.             The Company made it mandatory for visitors, especially those arriving and
            The timelines explain                  returning from high-risk countries, to declare their health status before entering
            the steps taken to mitigate            the premise of HRC. Additionally, body temperature screening was conducted
            the spread of COvID-19.                at all entry points, and employees and contractors were reminded to observe and
                                                   practice strict personal hygiene and physical distancing.

                                                   FEBRUARY 2020

                                                   HRC  tightened its operations  by  encouraging  employees  to organise meetings
                                                   virtually. Marine risk management was also introduced to protect the employees
                                                   at the jetty. HRC jetty only accepted ships for berthing that had obtained
                                                   clearance certificates (Free Partique) issued by local authorities. The clearance
                                                   process involves a 14-day quarantine for ships, counted from their last date of
                                                   departure from high-risk countries.
                                                   FEBRUARY - EARLY mARCh 2020

                                                   Regular meetings between working committees involving multiple departments
            Health & Safety SOP observed at an internal   were actively organised to discuss the required response for COVID-19 management.
            event.                                 In early March, the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) addressing  COvID-19
                                                   Preparedness and Response was reviewed and endorsed officially, and HRC
                                                   adopted higher quarantine measures.

                                                   mID - mARCh 2020
                                                   As the country was hit by a sudden surge of positive cases (from the Sri Petaling
                                                   mass gathering incident), HRC activated its BCP for COVID-19 and implemented
                                                   the Split Resources Operations (SRO) for non-shift employees with immediate
                                                   effect. This was implemented a few days before the Movement Control Order
                                                   (MCO) was put in place. Employees were kept abreast with updates on operations
                                                   and reminders to remain safe and healthy through the issuance of internal
            Physical distancing practiced at all times.  communication from the CEO, Human Resources (HR) and Quality, Health, Safety,
                                                   Security,  Environment (QHSSE) departments. Measures included:
                                                   •  Required PPE such as facemasks, gloves and hand sanitisers were made available
                                                     to employees.
                                                   •  All external trainings, non-essential events, Goal Zero Walk and Turun Padang
                                                     were postponed until further notice.
                                                   •  Only external trainers or vendors for essential meetings were allowed to
                                                     enter HRC.
                                                   •  Meetings were conducted virtually.
                                                   •  Overseas business trips were postponed.
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