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                   The ABC & AML Manual covers areas such as:    7.  CODE OF CONDUCT
                   i.  The contracting and procurement process      The Code of Conduct (Code) applies to every employee,
                   ii.  Offering and receiving gifts and hospitality  officer, and director in HRC as well as contract employees
                                                                    working for HRC. Contractors and consultants who are
                   iii. Conflicts of interest                       agents of, or working on behalf of, or in the name of HRC
                   iv. Facilitation payments                        (through outsourcing of services, processes or any business
                                                                    activity), are required to act consistently with the Code
                   v.  Funding social investment, donation and sponsorship
                                                                    when acting on HRC’s behalf. Contractors and consultants
                   vi. Political payments and activities            are also made aware of the Code as it applies to their
                   vii. Recruitment                                 dealings with HRC employees.
                   The ABC & AML Manual and its contents have been      The Code outlines the following:
                   communicated to all employees via memorandum, HRC’s
                   intranet and in-house training. The same has also been   •  Our  responsibilities  and  a  guide  to  ethical  decision
                   communicated to all vendors, suppliers, contractors and   making.
                   any third parties that have business dealings with HRC.   •  The standards of good behaviour that HRC expects from
                   Employees and parties having business dealings with   every employee, all contractors and all consultants as
                   HRC have also been requested to sign a declaration   well as contract employees.
                   of their commitment to comply with the ABC & AML   •  That we have the right to expect the same standards of
                   Manual and to disclose any conflict of interest via HRC’s   behaviour from our colleagues.
                   annual declaration process. Business associates and   •  The  system  for  handling  of  sensitive  information  and
                   senior management are subject to integrity due diligence   HRC’s Intellectual Property.
                   checks from time to time.
                                                                    •  Guidelines to help in keeping our business interactions
                   The ABC & AML Manual and HRC’s General Business     legal, ethical and professional, ensuring that we protect
                   Principles are accessible to the public on HRC’s    ourselves from any suspicion of wrongdoing and to
                   corporate website.                                  safeguard HRC’s reputation.

                                                                 8.  INFORmATION AND COmmUNICATIONS TEChNOLOgY
                   In year 2020, various activities were organised online to
                   strengthen the culture of business integrity within the      Information  and  communications  technology  are
                   Company.                                         extensively deployed in HRC to automate work processes
                                                                    where  possible  and  to  efficiently  collect  and  report  key
                   During the first week of October 2020, the Risk &   business information.
                   Integrity Department organised the annual Business
                   Integrity  Week  in  conjunction  with  World  Ethics        HRC is certified under the Information Security Management
                   Day 2020, comprising  of forums, an integrity  quiz,   Systems (ISMS), MS ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 and shall
                   ethical and information system e-learnings and a virtual   continue to enhance its information and communication
                   integrity exhibition.                            systems to ensure that it can act as an enabler to improve
                                                                    business processes, work productivity and decision making
            6.  COmPLIANCE mANAgEmENT                               throughout the Company.
                The Management team led by the CEO is responsible for   9.  EmPLOYEES PERFORmANCE mANAgEmENT
                ensuring day  to day operational  compliance  within  the
                Company.                                            HRC selects individuals for employment through a
                                                                    structured recruitment process. The professionalism and
                HRC’s compliance management includes compliance to all   competency of employees  is continuously enhanced
                relevant laws, regulations, rules and guidelines. It also covers   through a structured training and development programme.
                risk-based compliance to the Company’s internal policies,
                procedures, and code of conduct.                    A performance management system is in place which
                                                                    measures employee’s performance against agreed goals on
                In 2020, no major non-compliance was encountered.   an annual basis.
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