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            4.  hRC Assurance Plan 2020                          5.  Related Party Transactions
                The BAC oversaw HRC’s approved internal audit and      In the year 2020, the BAC reviewed the Company’s Circular
                assurance plan for the year 2020 which consisted of     to Shareholders in relation to the proposed renewal
                five (5) regulatory and statutory  audits and fourteen (14)   of shareholders’ mandate for recurrent related party
                internal audits to ensure business processes and regulatory   transactions (RRPT) for the period from 23 June 2020 to
                compliance. These are:                              the 62 nd  Annual General Meeting of the Company.
                 Name of Audit / Review                             In addition, the BAC oversaw the Company’s compliance
                                                                    with the  MMLR in respect  of related  party transactions
                 Regulatory / Statutory Audits
                                                                    and RRPT and ensured that the necessary announcements
                 Financial Audit and Interim Financial Reviews by External Auditor  were made to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.
                 ISO 9001 Surveillance Audit                        On 1 September 2020, the BAC reviewed and endorsed
                 ISO 14001 Surveillance Audit                       the process for governing contracting and procurement
                                                                    RRPT approved by shareholders, which was subsequently
                 ISO 45001 Surveillance Audit
                                                                    approved by the Board. On 30 September 2020, the BAC
                 ISO 17025 Accreditation and Migration to 2017 Revision  endorsed  the  terms  of  the  contracting  and  procurement
                 Internal Audits                                    RRPT with Hengyuan International Sdn Bhd in accordance
                                                                    with the approved process.
                 Green House Gas Verification
                 Information Technology and Cyber Security Management  6.  Others
                 Follow-up on Management Review by MHIL             Other matters discussed by the BAC during its meetings
                 Minor Project Management
                                                                    (a)  The review of 2019 impairment assumptions and tests;
                 Corporate Card Management
                 Procure-to-Pay Processes (Run & Maintain)          (b)  The review of change in functional currency from
                                                                       United States Dollar (USD) to Ringgit Malaysia (RM);
                 Procure-to-Pay Processes (Hydrocarbon)
                                                                    (c)  The review of the BAC Report and the Statement on
                 Related Party Transaction Process                     Risk Management and Internal Control for the financial
                 HRC Regulatory Compliance Management                  year ended 31 December 2019 during the BAC’s meeting
                                                                       on 17 February 2020 for the purpose of inclusion in
                 ISO 9001
                                                                       the Company’s 2019 Annual Report;
                 ISO 14001
                                                                    (d)  The review of major projects’ progress and any financial
                 ISO 45001                                             risk / impact due to COVID-19 threat;
                 ISO 17025                                          (e)  The review of reports on crude, margin and FX hedging
                 ISO 27001                                             activities and outcome;
                                                                    (f)  The Company’s cash forecast, financing planning and
                The progress of the Internal Audit and Assurance Plan 2020   liquidity position;
                and its audits were reported to the Board on a quarterly
                basis.                                              (g)  The solvency outlook of the Company in the next
                                                                       12 months, loan position of the Company and dividend
                During the course of the year, the BAC also approved two (2)   proposal;
                special reviews on significant business processes.
                                                                    (h)  The review of assessment outcome on recoverable
                Where appropriate, the BAC directed Management to      amount of property, plant and equipment; and
                rectify  and improve internal control processes based
                on the auditors’ recommendations and suggestions for   (i)  The quarterly updates of whistleblowing disclosures.
                improvement based on severity of findings and ratings
                of audits.
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