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64    I     2020 ANNUAL REPORT         I gOvERNANCE


            ACTIvITIES OF ThE BAC                                   On 25 February 2021, the CIA reported that non-audit fees
                                                                    incurred in 2020 amounted to RM154,525, constituting
            The BAC holds the overall responsibility for monitoring HRC’s   approximately 27 per cent of the total remuneration of
            management of financial risk processes, accounting and     RM574,525 to the External Auditors for 2020.
            financial  reporting  practices  and  ensuring  the  adequacy  and
            effectiveness of internal controls.                     The BAC has assessed and is satisfied with the competency,
                                                                    audit quality and independence of PwC, whose appointment
            The BAC’s key activities for the financial year ended     was approved by shareholders of the Company at
            31 December 2020 comprised the following:               HRC’s 61 st  Annual General Meeting. The assessment
                                                                    was conducted based on the criterias stipulated in HRC’s
            1.  Financial Reporting
                                                                    External Auditor Assessment Policy, which was approved
                In overseeing HRC’s financial reporting, the BAC reviewed   by the Board on 29 March 2019.
                the quarterly  financial  statements for  the fourth quarter
                of 2019 and the annual audited financial statements    3.  Internal Audit
                for  2019 at  its  meetings  on 17  February  2020 and        The IA team conducted the audit  work as per the 2020
                20 March 2020, respectively.                        Annual Audit Plan approved by the BAC on 21 November

                The quarterly financial statements for the first, second and   2019.
                third quarters of 2020, which were prepared in compliance      In year 2020, the internal audit function of HRC is
                with  the  Malaysian  Financial  Reporting  Standard  (MFRS)   monitored by the BAC and consists of two segments:
                134 Interim Financial Reporting, International Accounting
                Standard (IAS) 34 Interim Financial Reporting and    (1)  An Internal Audit Department (IAD), which acts as an
                paragraph 9.22, including Appendix 9B, of the MMLR,     independent  evaluating  body  to  assist  and  provide
                were reviewed at the BAC meetings on 15 June 2020,     assurance to the Board, the BAC and Management
                17 August 2020 and 25 November 2020, respectively.     of HRC. The IAD is headed by the CIA who reports
                                                                       functionally to the Chair of the BAC and administratively
                On 25 February 2021 and 26 March 2021, the BAC reviewed   to the CEO. There are two (2) Internal Auditors who
                the quarterly  financial  statements for  the fourth quarter   report to the CIA. The internal auditors have sufficient
                of 2020 and the annual audited financial statements for    mix of knowledge, skills and competencies to execute
                2020 respectively.                                     the audit plan. Effective 1 November 2020, one (1)
                The  BAC’s  recommendations  were  presented  for  approval    of the Internal Auditors was transferred to support the
                at the subsequent Board meetings.                      Risk & Integrity Department following the resignation of
                                                                       the Risk & Integrity Officer; and
            2.  External Audit
                                                                    (2)  HRC’s Site Internal Assurance (SIA), which comprises
                The  BAC  reviewed  PwC’s  audit  plan  and  scope  for  the   38 trained and / or ISO certified site internal auditors
                financial year ended 2020 and the payment of auditors’   from various departments of HRC. The SIA carries out
                statutory and non-audit fees.                          the site internal audits and process effectiveness of
                                                                       HRC and reports to the Quality, Health, Security,
                Results of PwC’s annual audit and audit findings together   Safety and Environment Manager. All SIA internal audit
                with recommendations and Management’s response were    reports are reviewed by the CIA before finalisation.
                reviewed by the BAC. Matters included in the Management
                representation letter were also reviewed by the BAC.     IAD activities are reported to the BAC on a quarterly basis,
                                                                    while SIA overall activities are presented to BAC annually,
                In addition  to the  review  of the annual  audit of  HRC’s   at the end of each financial year.
                financial statements, the External Auditors were engaged
                to conduct reviews of selected quarterly financial results      Urgent issues arising from the internal audit processes are
                during 2020 in accordance with the International Standard   highlighted to the Management promptly.
                on Review Engagements 2410 “Review of Interim Financial      The total costs incurred by the internal audit function
                Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the   of the Company for the financial year under review was
                Entity” which were reported and reviewed by the BAC.
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