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54    I     2020 ANNUAL REPORT         I gOvERNANCE


            As at 31 December 2020, Management’s composition consists   In carrying out its nomination functions, the BNRC may solicit
            of:                                                  and consider the views of existing Board members, Management,
                                                                 major shareholders, independent search firms and a variety of
                             Race / Ethnicity     Nationality    other independent sources. The appropriate disclosures will be
             Number of   Malay Chinese Indian Others Malaysian Foreigner  made in the Company’s annual report if independent sources
             Management                                          were not used for the selection.
             members     5     3     1     2      9       2
                                                                 On  18    August  2020,  Miss  Loy  Swee  Im  (Miss  Loy)  was
                                                                 appointed as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director of
                                                                 HRC. She was nominated as a Director by the Company’s major
                              Age group            gender
                                                                 shareholder, Malaysia Hengyuan International Limited (MHIL).
             Number of   30-39  40-49   50-59   Male    Female   After due deliberation, her appointment was endorsed by the
             Management                                          BNRC and approved by the Board based on the following factors:
             members      1       7       3       8      3
                                                                 (i)  Miss Loy has been the chief executive officer of Hengyuan

            As at 31 December 2020, two (2) out of seven (7) Directors     International Sdn Bhd (HISB), a company related to MHIL
            of the  Company,  or 29% of  Board members,  are  women.     and a party related to HRC, since February 2020 and is
            This is very close to the 30% target recommended by Practice   known to MHIL and the Company. She was recruited to join
            4.5 of the MCCG and represents an improvement from last    HISB through an independent executive search agency;
            year’s position where only one (1) out of six (6) Board members   (ii)  She has significant experience in senior finance roles and
            was female.                                             managing business units, as well as industry experience in,

            While the Board recognises the importance of gender diversity,   amongst others, the Oil and Gas and Automotive industries;
            to ensure that the interests of the Company and its stakeholders   (iii) She would bring in fresh perspective and her appointment
            are protected, the standard selection criteria for Directors,    would improve the gender diversity of the Board; and
            which is set out above, remains a priority for the assessment
            of Board candidates. The gender diversity targets of the Board   (iv) Overall, Miss Loy would be a valuable addition to the Board
            will be considered collectively with all other factors.  and her appointment is in the best interests of the Company.

            Board Nominating and Remuneration Committee          Board Effectiveness Assessment
            The Chairman of the BNRC is Mr Surinderdeep Singh    The BNRC is responsible for assisting the Board in establishing
            Mohindar Singh, an Independent Non-Executive Director of    procedures and processes towards an annual assessment of the
            the Company.                                         effectiveness of the Board and each Board Committee, as well
                                                                 as the contribution of each individual Director. For FY 2020,
            The BNRC is responsible for assisting the Board on nomination   the BNRC decided to conduct the BEA FY2020 internally with
            and remuneration functions with respect to Board members     an expansion of the existing questionnaire to cover a holistic
            and selected positions of the Company. The Committee   perspective and identify areas for improvement.
            recommends the nominations of candidates to the Board and
            Board  Committees,  and  evaluates  and  recommends  to  the   The results of the BEA FY2020 show that the Board is satisfied
            Board  the employment, promotion,  discipline,  resignation  and   with the operations and overall effectiveness of the Board for
            termination of the CEO, CFO and HR Manager.          FY 2020 and that it has effectively discharged its duties in
                                                                 accordance with the Company’s Board Charter. However, the
            Nomination Function of the BNRC                      Board would like to see further improvements to the structure
                                                                 and content of the board papers and a shorter timeline for the
            The Board Diversity Policy  was endorsed by the BNRC and   circulation of meeting minutes.
            approved  by  the  Board  on  26    March  2021.  It  sets  out  the
            Company’s approach for the consideration of diversity in areas   The Board Committees (i.e., the BAC, BNRC, BRMC, BPRC,
            such as skills and expertise, background, age and gender, in its   BTC and BWC) had also carried out a self-evaluation via the
            appointment of candidates to the Board.              BEA FY2020 and Directors have indicated that they are
                                                                 satisfied  with  the  overall  effectiveness  of  the  respective
                                                                 Board Committees.
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