Page 55 - HRC_AR2020
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Whistleblowing Policy integrity, ability to work cohesively with other members of the
Board / team, age, gender and cultural background, number of
The BWC was established by the Board on 27 November 2019 directorships in other companies, and the requirements of the
to carry out the following objectives:
Company. Further information on the policies and process for
i. Review, investigate and resolve complaints of improper the appointment of Directors can be found in the subsequent
conduct of any member of the Board or any employee of section of this Statement on the BNRC.
the Company that is submitted to the BWC through the As at 31 December 2020, the Board composition is as follows:
Company’s whistleblowing channel;
ii. Develop the Company’s Whistleblowing Policy and Race / Ethnicity Nationality
procedures and to implement them together with Number Malay Chinese Indian Others Malaysian Foreigner
Management; and of
Directors 2 2 1 2 5 2
iii. Periodically assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the
Company’s Whistleblowing Policy and procedures and to
revise them as necessary. Age group gender
The Board regularly reviews and updates the Company’s Number 50-59 60-69 Male Female
Whistleblowing Policy to ensure a smooth channel to facilitate of
disclosure of genuine and legitimate improper conduct within Directors 4 3 5 2
the Company. On 26 March 2021, the Whistleblowing Policy
was enhanced to allow for disclosures of improper conduct No Experience / Skills Percentage
in any language, for the benefit of whistleblowers.
1 Corporate Governance 100%
The Whistleblowing Policy and Terms of Reference of the BWC
are published on the Company’s website at 2 Regulatory Compliance / Legal 58%
3 Internal Controls / Risk Management / Audit 100%
II. BOARD COmPOSITION 4 Finance: Accounting / Treasury / Tax 67%
The Board consists of seven (7) Directors, comprising three (3) 5 Corporate Finance / Mergers & Acquisitionss 67%
Non-Independent Non-Executive Directors and four (4)
Independent Non-Executive Directors to ensure balance of 6 Commercial, Economics and Scheduling 67%
power and authority within the Board. 7 QHSSE 75%
As at 31 December 2020, none of the Company’s Independent 8 Strategy and Oil & Gas 75%
Non-Executive Directors have served beyond nine (9) years on 9 Supply / Marketing / Sales 58%
the Board and the Company’s Board Charter has set out that
the tenure of an Independent Non-Executive Director should 10 Contracting and Procurement 63%
not exceed a cumulative term limit of nine (9) years. 11 Project Management / Engineering 58%
The Board recognises the importance of having a diverse board 12 Human Resource & Development 79%
with a mix of relevant skills, expertise and experience to provide 13 Information Technology 29%
diverse perspectives and insights for decision making in the
best interests of the Company. The BNRC assists the Board 14 International Finance 17%
with screening and selection of candidates for the Board and
selected members of the Company’s Management team, having
regard to the candidate’s skills, knowledge, expertise and
experience, time commitment, character, professionalism and