Page 25 - HRC_AR2020
P. 25


            HRC’s refinery in Port Dickson.

            Our crude oil supply is sourced from Malaysian and international
            trade partners based on commercial viability and competitive   As a long-standing and valued part of Port Dickson’s
            pricing. We continue to focus on building more relationships   social and community fabric, we power connections
            with  the crude  supply  network locally, regionally  and globally   by giving back to the community where we can.
            to benefit from competitive pricing. To complement these
            diversification efforts, HRC has also implemented intricate   We work very hard on being a responsible corporate
            hedging arrangements to protect refining margins against   citizen, staying mindful of maintaining a minimal
            volatility and mitigate the impacts of sudden crude price   environmental footprint while making a positive
            escalations. Our comprehensive range of petroleum products   contribution to the local community, state and national
            include liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), petrol, jet fuel, diesel,   economy through employment, taxes and as enablers
            fuel oil components, sulphur and chemical feedstocks (such as    to other industries. We employ local employees and
            light naphtha and propylene).
                                                                 vendors wherever possible and nurture a conducive
                            SOURCES OF CRUDE                     workplace which has been successful in attracting two
                                                                 and even three generations of families as employees.
                                                                 We maintain high ethical and governance standards to
                                                                 build relationships of trust with our stakeholders, and
                                                                 our Corporate Social Responsibility programmes direct
                                                                 social investments to help the Port Dickson community.

                        54.8%        14.9%    10.9%  14.4%  5.0%
                       Malaysian     Far East    Russian  Middle    Others
                                      (Non       East
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30