Page 26 - HRC_AR2020
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24    I     2020 ANNUAL REPORT         I vALUE CREATION

            OUR STRATEgIC


            The implementation of hRC’s            Through various virtual sessions with members of the leadership team during
            vision, mission and values in          the  year,  leaders  were  able  to  articulate  how  the  core  values  translate  to  the
            Financial Year (FY) 2020 amid          circumstances at hand. This resulted in greater clarity in shaping the desired culture
                                                   of the organisation and will go a long way in reinforcing our foundation for the
            the COvID-19 pandemic                  next growth phase.
            has given employees the
            opportunity to have a more
            engaging and meaningful                What We Aspire: OUR VISION
            conversation with their                TO BE A LEADINg gLOBAL ENERgY AND
            respective leaders about the           PETROChEmICAL COmPANY, PIONEERINg SUSTAINABLE
            Company’s aspiration and               SOLUTIONS.
            expectations. These virtual
            discussions on our core values         What Drives Us: OUR MISSION
            were essential to keep                 WE ARE COmmITTED TO SAFEgUARD OUR
            employees unified and                  OPERATIONAL INTEgRITY, BE BOLD IN OUR
            motivated as we navigated              INNOvATIONS, LEvERAgE ThE STRENgTh OF OUR
            through the pandemic.                  PEOPLE, AND TO mAxImISE STAKEhOLDER vALUE.

                                                   What Defines Us: OUR VALUES



                    “In surmounting the challenges of 2020, it was more pivotal than ever that we upheld our core
                    value of ‘Respect’ in all of our daily interactions – with each other, our customers, the authorities
                    and the surrounding community. For instance, at our workplace, ‘Respect’ helped boost safety and
                    accountability as looking after the work area and removing any hazards is fundamentally about
                    respect. Respect leads us to give our best effort for the team, expect the best in others and humbly
                    realise we are part of a greater mission.”
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