Page 146 - HRC_AR2020
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144    I     2020 ANNUAL REPORT         I otHer inforMation

            DisclosUre of recUrrent relateD

            partY transactions

                                                                                                   total of actual
                                                                   Value from         Value from     transactions for
                                                             1 January 2020 to    23 June 2020 to   financial Year
                                                                 23 June 2020   31 December 2020      ended 2020
               related party           type of transaction              (rM)               (rM)             (rM)

               Shandong Hengyuan       Sale of petroleum          241,735,872         33,055,502     274,791,374
               Petrochemical Company   products and crude oil
               Limited and its subsidiaries   by HRC
               (i)  Heng Yuan Holdings   Purchase of petroleum     45,912,937         13,533,013      59,445,950
                 Limited;              products and crude oil
                                       by HRC
               (ii)  Malaysia Hengyuan
                 International Limited;
                 and                   Provision of central          3,633,395         4,867,398       8,500,793
                                       management, business
               (iii) Hengyuan International   support, administrative
                 Sdn Bhd               services and oil and
                                       oil products risk
                                       management services
                                       to HRC

                                       Provision of technical       9,577,624         14,442,103      24,019,727
                                       advisory and
                                       consultancy services
                                       and research and
                                       development advisory
                                       services to HRC

                                                     total        300,859,828          65,898,016    366,757,844
   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151