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proXY forM                                                            Hengyuan Refining Company Berhad
                                                                                         Registration No. 196001000259 (3926-U)
                                                                                    CDS Account No of   No of shares held
                                                                                    authorised nominee

               I / We ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                     (Full name in block letters)
               NRIC / Passport No____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
               of ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                           (Address in full)
               being a member of Hengyuan Refining Company Berhad, do hereby appoint_____________________________________________________
                                                                                                     (Full name in block letters)
               _____________________________________________________________________ NRIC / Passport No_______________________________________

               of ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                           (Address in full)
                                                                                                     (Full name in block letters)
               NRIC / Passport No_________________________________________________________________of________________________________________
                                                                                                           (Address in full)
               or failing him / her, the Chairman of the Meeting as my / our proxy to vote for me / us on my / our behalf at the Sixty-Second
               Annual General Meeting (62 nd  AGM) of Hengyuan Refining Company Berhad (the Company) to be held entirely through live
               streaming from the broadcast venue at  tricor Business  centre, Manuka 2 & 3 Meeting  room, Unit 29-01,  level 29,
               tower  a, Vertical Business  suite,  avenue 3, Bangsar  south,  no 8, Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala  lumpur, Malaysia
               (Broadcast Venue) on tuesday, 25 May 2021 at 10.00 a.m. and at any adjournment thereof.

                resolutions       Descriptions                                                  for        against
                Ordinary Resolution 1  To re-elect Mr Liang Kok Siang as Director of the Company.
                Ordinary Resolution 2  To re-elect Mr Surinderdeep Singh Mohindar Singh as Director of
                                  the Company.
                Ordinary Resolution 3  To re-elect Ms Loy Swee Im as Director of the Company.
                Ordinary Resolution 4  To re-appoint Messrs PricewaterhouseCoopers PLT as Auditors of the
                                  Company until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting and
                                  to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration.
                Ordinary Resolution 5  To approve payment of Non-Executive Directors’ fees and benefits of up
                                  to RM2,300,000 for the period from 1 June 2021 until 31 May 2022.
                Ordinary Resolution 6  Proposed Renewal of Authority to allot and issue shares pursuant to
                                  Sections 75 and 76 of the Companies Act 2016.
                Ordinary Resolution 7  Proposed Renewal of Authority for Share Buy-Back.
                Ordinary Resolution 8  Proposed Renewal of Existing Shareholders’ Mandate and Proposed
                                  New Shareholders’ Mandate for Recurrent Related Party Transactions of
                                  a Revenue or Trading Nature.
               Please indicate with an “x” in the spaces provided how you wish your vote to be cast. If no instruction as to voting is given, the Proxy
               will vote as he or she thinks fit, or abstain from voting at his or her discretion.

                                                                     For appointment of two proxies, percentage of shareholdings
               Dated this _________________ day of ________________ 2021.  to be represented by the proxies:

                                                                                       no of shares     percentage
                                                                      Proxy 1                                     %
               Signature / Common Seal of Shareholder(s)              Proxy 2                                     %
                                                                      total                                    100%
               Contact No_______________________________________
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