Page 109 - HRC_AR2020
P. 109


             4    financial risK ManaGeMent oBJectiVes anD policies (continued)

                  (c)   liquidity and cash flow risks (continued)
                                                                          Between    Between    contractual    total
                                                                 Within       1 to     2 to   undiscounted    carrying
                                                                  1 year    2 years    5 years    cash flows    amount
                       at 31 December 2019                       rM’000    rM’000    rM’000      rM’000     rM’000
                       non-derivative financial liabilities
                       Trade and other payables excluding
                         statutory liabilities                 1,900,454        -         -    1,900,454   1,900,454
                       Lease liabilities                          8,391     8,423    16,171      32,985     30,757
                       Amounts due to immediate holding
                         company and related company             23,749         -         -      23,749     23,749
                       Borrowings                               824,082   111,665   505,233    1,440,980  1,381,913
                                                               2,756,676   120,088   521,404   3,398,168   3,336,873

                       Derivative financial liabilities
                       Refining margin swap contracts            20,074       840         -      20,914     20,914
                       Refining margin and commodity options        287         -         -         287       287
                       Commodity swap contracts                 111,498         -         -     111,498    111,498
                       Interest rate swap contracts                   -         -    12,759      12,759     12,759
                       Forward foreign currency contracts (gross settled)
                         – inflow                               (326,668)       -         -     (326,668)   (326,668)
                         – outflow                              330,895         -         -     330,895    330,895
                                                                136,086       840    12,759     149,685    149,685
                                                               2,892,762   120,928   534,163   3,547,853   3,486,558
   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114