Change In Principal Officer - Mr Loo Shen Chang (Amended Announcement)

BackJun 04, 2024
Date of change 01 Jun 2024
Age 58
Gender Male
Nationality Malaysia
Type of change Appointment
Designation Others


Major/Field of Study
Additional Information
Professional Qualification
Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA)
Professional Qualification
Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA)
Working experience and occupation Mr. Loo Shen Chang began his career in 1986 as an articled clerk in an accounting firm and has accumulated more than 30 years of extensive experience across financial management, accounting and taxation, corporate exercises, audit and risk management, funding and restructuring exercises and senior level strategic planning which spun across the industries including building and infrastructure construction, property development and investment, manufacturing of household and industrial products, hospitality and F&B services.

Currently, Mr. Loo is the principal officer of Malaysia Hengyuan International Limited and Regional Chief Operating Officer of Hengyuan International Sdn Bhd. The past professional experiences of Mr. Loo are as follow:-

Oct 2015 - Nov 2021
MCE Holdings Berhad
- Independent Non-Executive Director
- Chairman of Audit and Risk Management Committee
- Member of Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Feb 2008 - Aug 2020
Chief Operating Officer, LYL Group of Companies

Sep 2004 - Jan 2008
Crest Builder Holdings Berhad
- Executive Director
- General Manager, Corporate & Finance

Jan 1998 - Aug 2004
- Director/ Principal Consultant, Tactical Management Sdn Bhd
- Corporate Advisory/ Group Company Secretary, WCT Berhad

Oct 1996 - Dec 1997
Financial Controller, Sunmate Properties Sdn Bhd

May 1995 - Sep 1996
Group Financial Controller/ Joint Company Secretary, MTD Capital Berhad

Apr 1991 - Apr 1995
Management Consultant cum Audit Manager, Khoo Wong & Chan

Jul 1990 - Apr 1991
Audit Senior, PricewaterHouse, KL Office

Apr 1986 - Jun 1990
Audit Senior, Khoo Wong & Chan
Directorships in public companies and listed issuers (if any) NIL
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer NIL
Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer Mr. Loo Shen Chang is currently the principal officer of Malaysia Hengyuan International Limited and Chief Operating Officer of Hengyuan International Sdn. Bhd., both are related parties to the Company. Saved as disclosed, he does not have any family relationship with any directors and/or major shareholder of the Company, nor any conflicts of interest with the Company.
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries NIL


Remarks :
Mr. Loo Shen Chang will undertake all duties and responsibilities from the outgoing Chief Financial Officer, as the Interim Chief Financial Officer of the Company with effect from 1 June 2024, until a permanent Chief Financial Officer is identified and appointed by the Company.


Announcement Info

Date Announced 04 Jun 2024
Category Change in Principal Officer
Reference Number C04-04062024-00002